Pork Stroganoff With Mushrooms

Pork Stroganoff With Mushrooms

Serves 3 l Prep time: 30min


1 lb pork tenderloin, cut into strips

1 TBSP minced garlic or ½ TBSP garlic paste

1 TBSP paprika (regular/sweet not smoked)

1-2 TBSP coconut oil

2 cups of sliced mushrooms, any kind

1 TBSP sundried tomatoes, finely diced OR 2-3 small gherkins/pickles, finely diced

1 TBSP Dijon mustard

2/3 cup sour cream

½ cup Ketologie chicken bone broth*

Splash lemon juice or acv, to taste

Salt and pepper, to taste

*½ cup hot water + 2 tablespoons of broth powder


This retro favorite is making a comeback now that fat is back in fashion. Enjoy with roasted Brussel sprouts or any of your ketoapproved sides. Delicious!

Using a medium heat, fry the minced garlic in the oil. Add the pork strips and brown; then add the chicken bone broth and mushrooms and cook until soft (5-6 minutes). Toss in the sour cream and all remaining spices/flavorings and serve!

Note: if you like a little heat in your food, feel free to add in ground red pepper to suit your personal taste.